You can contact our Support team:

From within a CLC Workbench
Sending us an email
From the web admin interface for a CLC Server

Please also refer to our related FAQ entry describing eligibility for Support.
Am I eligible for support for my CLC software?



Via the CLC Workbench

If you have a question or alike and are using the Workbench, you can contact us the Workbench via the "Support" button in the upper right corner of your Workbench


or the option under the Help menu at

Help | Contact Support

Please include your full and correct email address in the form provided as we will not be able to contact you otherwise.

If you are reporting an error, please refer to our related FAQ: How do I submit an error report for a CLC Workbench to the CLC Support team?



You can email us at

If contacting us by email, it will help if you include information about the license you are using. Further details on this can be found via the following related FAQs:



From the web admin interface for a CLC Server

To submit your CLC Server logs, please go to the web administrative interface for the Genomics Server, and click on the "report a bug" link in the top right hand side.

If you are already in touch with us related to the issue you are sending a report about, please include the case number after your email address in the email address line of the submission, for example: 123456789

On a machine with a network connection, you do the above and then just click on the button labelled "Submit Bug Report".

On a machine without a network connection, click on the button labelled "Download Bug Report", copy the zip file to a machine with a network connection and attach the log files in an email to us. Email contact is described in the section above.

Using this method results in the submission of a zip archive of your Server log files along with your request. If you have problems sending your report to us due to the size of the log file archive, then please use email to contact us, as described above, and let us know this. We will then provide alternative platform that you can transfer the files to.

This method is generally intended for asking questions or reporting problems related to a CLC Server setup. For Workbench or Assembly Cell questions, please consider using one of the methods described above.